Chapter 5 :- First Aid

First Aid:- The initial assistance or treatment given to a casualty for any injury or sudden illness before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor, or other qualified person is called 'first-aid'. The notion of 'first' aid itself signifies that the casualty is likely to be in need of 'secondary aid'. Principles of First-Aid: Act calmly and logically; Be in control—-both of himself/herself and the problem; Be gentle but firm, and speak to the casualty kindly but purposefully. Build up trust by talking to the casualty throughout the examination and treatment. Explain the casualty what he/she is going to do. Never leave the casualty alone but continue to talk to him/her until the ambulance or doctor arrives. Continuously reassure the casualty. Never separate a child from its parent or guardian. Send the casualty to a hospital or doctor by the quickest means of transport. Always inform the police about the serious accidents, Inform the relatives of the casualty. Do N...